Thursday, November 18, 2021

Auction Item Plus Darth Vader Bust

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Auction Item Plus Darth Vader Bust


As many of you learned long ago, I do not own (and continue to operate) Mile High Comics to make money. I caught an incredibly lucky break ten years ago, when I purchased our gigantic 4600 Jason St. building at the absolute bottom of the Denver commercial real estate market. A market which has since rebounded to such an extent that I could now easily retire (quite comfortably) solely by cashing out our building's accumulated real estate equity.

Chuck infront of our gigantic 4600 Jason St. building

Where, however, would be the fun in that? Even though I am now pushing 67 years of age, I have absolutely no desire to stop buying and selling old comics and cool collectibles. To me, my "job" is truly an exercise in fun! Yes, there are sometimes those not-so-nice days (and occasional moments of profound aggravation), but those difficulties pale in comparison to the overwhelming joy that I am blessed to experience each day as I walk into the door of our amazing Mega-Store.

Pam with the life-size Darth Vader bust

Segueing into today's news, I mention my emotional foundations to my ownership of Mile High Comics as a way of explaining why I was so happy yesterday when Pam showed me her latest incredibly cool acquisition. Her life-size Darth Vader head bust is so awesome that even my most effuse superlatives simply do not suffice! The details and workmanship are truly beyond amazing. After a spirited internal debate, we decided that we would go ahead and put a $10,000 price tag on this rare bust, rather than simply making it among our "Not for sale-display only" items. That's quite a stiff price, but Pam's concern was that if we made our price any lower, that one of our numerous high-rollers would grab it immediately, before many of our fans who frequent the Mega-Store could even get to see it. In today's crazy Bitcoin-fueled environment, I have to admit that Pam is probably (as in always…) correct.

life-size Darth Vader bust

In any event, this awesome bust was just one of several major acquisitions that Pam and Will Moulton have made this week that (in combination) serve to make our Jason St. Mega-Store even better. Truthfully, that is all that I really care about. As I explained in utmost candor during my most recent Jason St. video tour, my primary objective each day is to (somehow) make our Mega-Store even more fun and entertaining for our thousands of visitors. Thanks to the wonderful efforts of our two gifted buyers, Will Moulton and Pam Brandle, we are succeeding in that blessed endeavor beyond our wildest dreams. If you can ever come to visit our Mega-Store, I do think that you will easily see why we are so deeply happy with our progress. Never before in history have so many cool collectibles been accumulated in just one single store!

Auction Flyer

A couple of side notes about our buying program. First, we have totally run out of display room in our existing 200+ display cases in the Mega-Store. In part, that is why I asked Will and Pam to make our no-minimum-bid comics and toys auction for this Saturday especially enticing. I made my first phone call yesterday to get negotiations underway with a showcase manufacturer in Chicago for us to buy 100 more (!) 6' tall glass showcases during 2022. They will cost us about $1200 each, which means that I am going to have to hustle like crazy during all of next year to make ghastly weekly payments. I think that effort on my part will be totally worthwhile, however, if it then allows us to increase our secure displays of statues and rare toys in our Mega-Store by a full 50%.

Poker Flyer

Another important point about Saturday's auction and poker tournament is that I will be taking a portion of the proceeds from both to purchase warm clothing for those who are about to suffer through living in Denver's bitter cold streets during the winter. I have already purchased 800+ pairs of gloves, but I am nearly out of hats, scarves, and socks. I will be making the rounds of our 20 local Dollar Tree locations on Sunday, utilizing whatever extra funds that I can raise during Saturday's events to help those in our Community who are in need. Please attend one of our events, if you can, and help us to lend a hand to Denver's poorest citizens.

Auction lot #29

On a side note, if you cannot attend our auction in person, and see any comics or toys in our auction photos (which are in the list following my newsletter) at the upon which you would like Pam to bid for you, please write to her at Pam clerks for the auction, and typically absentee bids for about a dozen out-of-state fans. Closing prices at our auctions are oftentimes only 20%~25% of retail, so there are some truly incredible bargains to be had. Just saying...


Finally, in between buying great items for the Mega-Store, both Will and Pam sort and grade awesome comics, magazines, and books for those who shop with us exclusively online. All of the back issue comics and magazines that they have added over the past couple of days are available to you at half price via our current 50% off BLACKFRIDAY! codeword sale, excepting only new issues, a few variants, and our professionally-graded items. It seems hard to believe, but next Thursday is already going to be Thanksgiving Day. Yow!

Happy collecting!

Chuck Rozanski/Bettie Pages,
President - Mile High Comics, Inc.
November 17, 2021

Here are the 41 lots that will be in our Saturday's no minimum Auction. We will added 100's more items the day of the auction.

Auction lot #1

Auction lot #2

Auction lot #3

Auction lot #4

Auction lot #5

Auction lot #6

Auction lot #7

Auction lot #8

Auction lot #9

Auction lot #10

Auction lot #11

Auction lot #12

Auction lot #13

Auction lot #14

Auction lot #15

Auction lot #16

Auction lot #17

Auction lot #18

Auction lot #19

Auction lot #20

Auction lot #21

Auction lot #22

Auction lot #23

Auction lot #24

Auction lot #25

Auction lot #26

Auction lot #27

Auction lot #28

Auction lot #29

Auction lot #30

Auction lot #31

Auction lot #32

Auction lot #33

Auction lot #34

Auction lot #35

Auction lot #36

Auction lot #37

Auction lot #38

Auction lot #39

Auction lot #40

Auction lot #41

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Mile High Comics, 4600 Jason Street, Denver CO 80211, USA

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