Wednesday, July 28, 2021

50% Off 10th Anniversary Sale Begins Today

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50% Off 10th Anniversary Sale Begins Today


A very short newsletter today, as I am still working to recover from a dreadful flu-like illness that hit me over the weekend. While initially assumed to be a dreaded Covid-19 "breakthrough" infection (I am fully vaccinated), it turns out that it is an entirely different virus. I will spare you most of the gory details except to mention that at one point that I slept for 28 hours in a single stretch. I am now (thankfully) back in the world of the living, but still self-isolating as I do not want anyone that I love to also contract this miserable sickness. Sigh…

Empty Jason Street

The start of building the Mega Store

Illness aside, I am still feeling profoundly happy today that we have nearly reached our 10-year anniversary of having purchased our Jason St. Mega-Store building. When I walked into that closing room on July 31, 2011, I knew full and well that I was taking on the biggest risk of my life. I was adding $1,500,000.00 in debt to my personal balance sheet, with zero hope of recovery if things went wrong. I had great faith, however, in the future of the comics world (and most especially the market for collectible comics), so I signed the papers and gratefully accepted the keys to our gigantic new home.

Chuck unpacking in Jason St.

Our first retail sale/auction event

Blessedly, everything from that one moment forward has been incredibly positive, with my purchase of Jason St. has turning out to be the most prescient (and lucrative) business decision that I have made in my 51-year career, eclipsing even my purchase of the legendary Mile High/Edgar Church and Mile High II collections. After ten years of very hard work, our Mile High Comics Jason St. Mega-Store is now a "bucket-list" destination for comics fans worldwide, and draws rave reviews from those who are blessed to visit. Truly, buying our building was an awesome decision!

2011 - Chuck and his beloved books

A very important point (that I have not forgotten) is that it was our dedicated legion of online clients who made this all possible. While Jason St. is presently quite successful and pays it's own bills, that was not the case during those lean first couple of years, when visitors were few, and our store revenues were meager. Thanks to the outpouring of support that we received from comics fans far and wide, however, we were able to overcome our initial struggles. By year five we were breaking even, and then Kevin Smith's totally unexpected filming of his visit to the store blew up the Internet, with over a million views. After that one life-changing moment, we have never looked back.

Jason St. 2011

In any event, I want to reward everyone who supported us during those initial difficult years with a special one-week 50% off 10YEARS! codeword sale. As per usual, this massive sale applies to all ten million+ of our back issue comics and magazines offered via our website, excepting only new issues, a few variants, and our professionally-graded items. Please do enjoy these half price savings with my sincere thanks for your years of kindness, and your support.

Happy collecting!

Chuck Rozanski/Bettie Pages,
President - Mile High Comics, Inc.
July 27, 2021

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Mile High Comics, 4600 Jason Street, Denver CO 80211, USA

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